Feed links format for WordPress websites

Website feed is a way to offer your visitors possibility to have access to latest content from your website, usually in machine readable way. Feeds can be read by feedreaders and provide user friendly way for viewing feeds. There are different type of feeds available but most common once are RSS and Atom.

WordPress has built in feed links format for different types of content which you want to syndicate. All you need to do is to generate a link to these feeds and put it somewhere on your website. In following examples RSS2 feed format is used but it can be replaced with Atom or RDF feed as well.

WordPress feed links format

Blog posts

This is most commonly used feed and it’s used for generating feeds of your blog posts. Format of URL for post feeds is:


or if you have permalinks enabled you can simply use this link:


Categories and Tags

If you would like to provide feeds for your blog post categories than you can use following link:


In example above, 13 is ID of the category which you want to show.

To display posts by tag you can use this URL:


Custom post types

To display entries from your custom post type in feed format you can use this link:


where “vbvideo” is post type which you would like to display.


It’s also possible to generate feed for taxonomy of you custom post type. Format for the feed of this link is:


where “vbvideo” is post type and “video-category” name of the taxonomy.


To show feeds for specific author you can use this link:


“admin” is nickname of author whose posts you would like to display.


Comments feed link to show all of the site comments is:


To show comments feed from specific post only:


Search results

Search results can also be included into feed, format of the link is:


“query” will be the search term for which you want to show feeds.

Additional feed settings

WordPress Feed Settings

Apart from feed links format, you can additionally customize number of feeds to be shown and whether you want want to display full text or just summary for each entry. This can be done from WordPress admin panel in Settings > Reading menu.

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